Using Agile Techniques to Build a More Inclusive Team

Building psychological safety in your teams is critical if you want them to perform at their best. The challenge is how to develop and encourage the trust and collaboration and to make sure that all voices are heard.
The agile community has developed facilitation exercises and tools that make conversations more democratic and inclusive. I have used some of these techniques with my teams for years and have found them incredibly valuable. I will teach you some of the agile methods that I use for large and small team meetings, brainstorms, and one-on-ones that encourage all team members to participate. These tools also help make sure that all voices are respected and valued.
Presented at
- The Lead Developer (Keynote) - June 28, 2018 - London, United Kingdom
- JAX (Keynote) - September 08, 2020 - Mainz, Germany
- Biggest take away of Day 2 were Kevin's ways of using Agile methods in 1 to 1s, definitely something I'll be trying, makes so much sense and benefits both parties. #LeadDevLondon - Ranjeet Ruprai
- Great chat to close out #leaddevlondon by @Kevingoldsmith Lots of exercise ideas and tools that I'm excited to use. - Chares Lavon
- Thanks for this golden talk @KevinGoldsmith ! So much important and fantastic tips it's impossible to resume in a tweet. I'll implement them in my daily work for sure #LeadDevLondon - Tamara Forza
- Such a powerful and inspirational talk by @KevinGoldsmith on building inclusive teams. So much to take away #LeadDevLondon - John Knowles
- All my colleagues were in agreement that @KevinGoldsmith's #LeadDevLindon talk (re using agile techniques to build inclusivity) was the one they most wanted to revisit on video. Absolutely packed with useful tips - the one most relevant to me being SHUT UP when doing 1:1s. - Clare Sudbery